Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd

15 Sep 2006

New director of sales at Hilton Maldives
BY Sarah Todd

New director of sales at Hilton Maldives

Sandrine Boutin has been appointed director of sales at the Hilton Maldives Resort and Spa.

She will be directly responsible for overseeing and managing relationships from the luxury resort’s key markets in Europe and Asia, as well as being extensively involved in establishing new business.

Sandrine previously worked for Hilton’s International Sales Office in Paris. Prior to this, she has worked with two French tour operators, Nosylis and Group Pauli.

She said: “The resort has fantastic plans for future developments that will underline the Hilton Maldives’ position as the leading luxury resort in the country. I am looking forward to using my experience to take sales to a new level.”

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