Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Inclusive fun from World of Rides

World of Rides recently delivered a group of BERG pedal-powered vehicles to Gateway Wheelers.

Sponsored by The National Lottery, Gateway Wheelers is a Mencap-registered charity which provides pedal-powered vehicles to enable people with disabilities to regain their freedom and enjoy exercising through cycling.

The charity operates a large fleet of two, three and four wheeled pedal-powered vehicles, which can also be hired out to other similar groups.

Regular rides are organised throughout Durham and Teesside by Gateway Wheelers volunteers, and are held in safe, traffic-free areas such as running tracks, parks and nature reserves as well as country roads and private estates.

PHOTO: Taken at Durham County Cricket Ground, receiving another delivery of new pedal-powered vehicles from Andrew Robinson, (Right) Customer Support Manager of World of Rides, the UK commercial distributors of BERG pedal powered vehicles, are Gateway Wheelers volunteer Brian Milner (Left) and Development Officer Sarah Young

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