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The Oscars of the museums world - a call for entries!

Enter the 2011 Museums & Heritage Awards for Excellence and shout your success stories from the rooftops, impress your stakeholders and funders, and enjoy much deserved recognition for all your hard work.

Never before have these Awards been so important. Against a backdrop of increasingly challenging times, they offer a unique opportunity to celebrate achievement and to applaud the outstanding work of this sector.

Reflect on what you and your organisation have achieved in 2010. Perhaps you opened a new exhibition or restored an ancient artefact to its former glory? Maybe your marketing efforts resulted in a significant increase in visitor numbers or you raised funds and income through new initiatives? Whatever your achievement, the Museums & Heritage Awards have ten categories to choose from, all of which have been designed to provide opportunity for a wide range of projects, from those which are nothing short of a miracle, performed with the tiniest of budgets, through to the groundbreaking achievements of national institutions.

The entry deadline for the 2011 Awards is Friday 11 February and they are open to all museums and cultural heritage attractions and their suppliers.

Take a look at a sneak peak to see what’s in store for the 2011 Awards.

For more information on entering the Awards please visit

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