Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
New larger pack for Trebor Softmints

Mint brand Trebor is launching the Trebor Mint Pot. The new pack, carrying the familiar Softmints design, will contain 50 Peppermint flavoured Softmints.

With its larger format, the Trebor Mint Pot has been designed to help maximise on-the-go sales for retailers, a time when a significant amount of mints are consumed.

Susan Nash, trade communications manager at Cadbury, said: "The new larger size will mean that retailers can increase their average weight of purchase within their mints range.

"The packs are designed to appeal to all consumers and we expect to drive incremental sales into the mint category with this product."

A range of POS material has been created, including a counter unit and dumpbin, to draw attention to the new packs in-store.

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