Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Dornbracht launches Horizontal Shower technology

SwissBau 2012 saw the launch by kitchen and bathroom fittings manufacturer Dornbracht of the Horizontal Shower, an expansion of its Ambiance Tuning Technique shower technology.

The Horizontal Shower features six WaterBars that are recessed in a wide-area shower field located above a recliner.

Similar to the other applications in the Ambiance Tuning Technique, various flow types can be combined, using preprogrammed degrees of water temperature and quantity to create specific shower scenarios.

These include Balancing, Energizing and De-Stressing, with Balancing - taken lying on one's stomach - seeing variable flow rain showers at temperatures of between 33-38˚C moving around the body. Beginning at the shoulders and the soles of the feet and converging at the body's midsection, a stroking massage is experienced.

Energizing, also experienced lying on the stomach, involves a cascade-style delivery with water being sprayed in varying and opposing directions across the entire back, from the shoulders to the soles of the feet. Fine water jets are followed by an intensely beating rain sensation, which is then followed again by fine water jets. The sequence is enhanced by changes in the water temperature.

Experienced lying on the back, De-Stressing sees a regular sprinkling of water moving from the shoulders to the feet, with changing temperatures and volumes creating a wave-like, sweeping flow for gentle relaxation.

The shower is controlled using the central eTool controls integrated in the head area of the recliner, so it can be operated while lying down. The user can enjoy the Horizontal Shower lying on his or her stomach or back and the recliner surface itself is heatable.

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