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Booker upgrade has a host of new features

Booker, the cloud-based management software company behind the SpaBooker, FitnessBooker and SalonBooker systems, has announced the launch of Version 9 of its software.

The functionality of the system's customer database fields has been rebuilt, enabling operators to customise the layout and content of their customer profiles.

This means they can capture any piece of customer data and organise it in a way that makes the most sense for their business.

There have also been changes to the way classes are handled on the system. Operators now have the power to turn any service in any category into a class, making it easier for customers to book the slots they want.

The upgrade also has an improved clipboard to make it easier to move linked appointments, packages, and couples appointments.

Booker Version 9 has design improvements as well as more powerful inventory management for multi-location businesses.

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