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10 Sep 2015

Jordan’s Prince Ali confirms FIFA presidential candidacy
BY Tom Walker

Jordan’s Prince Ali confirms FIFA presidential candidacy

Prince Ali bin Al Hussein has formally launched a second bid to become president of football’s world governing body FIFA.

Ali was defeated in May’s FIFA presidential election by the controversial incumbent Sepp Blatter. Despite winning the vote, however, Blatter – whose tenure has been tarnished by accusations of widespread corruption and irregularities concerning World Cup bids – said he would be standing down to "protect FIFA".

Blatter will relinquish his throne on 26 February 2016, the date set for the new presidential election.

Confirming his candidacy for the election, Ali said he wanted to “finish what he started” and that he would be standing for people who want football to be a “global force for social good”.

“My sole ambition is to make FIFA worthy of representing the greatest sport and the greatest fans on Earth,” Ali said.

“It's time to shift the focus back to the world's game. Football should serve the under-served. It should be about more than mere personal glory. It should be a global force for social good.

“As President of FIFA, I will listen to all. I will never forget who I am working for.”

Making the announcement, Ali also directed a thinly-veiled barb at rival candidate, UEFA president Michel Platini – who had publicly called for Sepp Blatter’s removal before the May presidential election, but didn’t put himself forward as a candidate.

“I was the only person who dared to challenge Mr. Blatter for the Presidency of FIFA,” Ali said. “I had the courage to fight for change when others were afraid.

“I conceded that election. Not because I was not the best candidate, but because others were using me to make room for themselves.

“They didn’t have the guts to run, but I did. Ever since President Blatter promised his resignation just a few days later, they have been scrambling to secure the job for themselves.”

Platini was one of those to have launch his candidacy soon after Blatter announced his resignation plans.

Others to have confirmed their candidacy include Brazilian legend Zico, South Korean lawyer Chung Mong-joon and former Trinidad and Tobago player David Nakhid.

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