Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Laser shot through Swarovski crystals creates an experiential display

Illuminating the nave of the Danish Church by Regent’s Park, British light artist Chris Levine has used laser, Swarovski crystal optics and peripheral imaging to create an immersive light and sound installation.

Held during the recent Frieze Art Fair, Levine’s Angel Presence installation is an experiential installation, which draws upon technology to explore the nature of light and its effect on our sense of being.

The installation consisted of an RGB 10W-scanning laser, shot through a cluster of Swarovski crystals whose precision-cut facets multiplied and refracted light around the church, in an infinitely changing pattern.

The likeness of an angel is seen in the viewer’s peripheral vision but disappears as it is searched for.

Wireless headphones provided a soundscape made up of frequencies, which will quieten the mind and draw people towards stillness, absorbing viewers in light and sound.

Levine said: “Through the experience of pure single wavelength light, ‘Angel Presence’ will take us powerfully into the Now – creating a meditative state of heightened awareness. This will calm the mind - recalibrating and harmonising us with reality as it really is.”

Levine’s work in the field of light art, innovating with advanced light-based technologies is used across many fields including music, performance, installation, fashion and design in collaborative projects.

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