Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd

24 Aug 2018

'Persistent' gender gap exists in Welsh sports participation
BY Tom Walker

'Persistent' gender gap exists in Welsh sports participation

Latest figures from Sport Wales show that a "stubborn" gap still exists in sports participation between men and women.

According to the Sport & Active Lifestyles Survey 2017-18, 65 per cent of men regularly participate in some sporting activity, compared to just 55 per cent of females.

Overall, just over half (53 per cent) of adults meet the CMO guidelines (150 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week) – with males (57 per cent) much likelier to hit the target than females (49 per cent).

The report does, however, reveal an overall increase in the number of people regularly taking part in sport.

"The number of people participating in a sporting activity three times a week or more is a national indicator for the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act 2015," the report states.

"This has increased from 29 per cent in 2016-17 to 32 per cent in 2017-18.

"Although, the proportion meeting this guideline has increased for both males and females, the proportion of males meeting the guidelines (37 per cent) continues to be higher than females (27 per cent)."

Another finding was that, across all age groups, males were more likely than females to participate in exercise three or more times per week, and less likely to participate in exercise less than once a week.

To find our more details of the report, click here for the Sport Wales website.

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