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14-15 Oct 2014

EHFA 5th International Standards Meeting

HealthCity Amstelveen
Escapade 1, Amsterdam, Netherlands

EuropeActive (formerly known as the European Health and Fitness Association) is organising the 5th edition of the International Standards Meeting, the leading event for anyone involved in standards-setting and the delivery of qualifications and certifications in fitness.

The event is attended by some of the most recognised experts in the field of fitness education, training and standardisation. When initially organised in 2010, its aim was to widen the horizons of education and standards in fitness by gathering the most influential people in the sector to guide the work of the EuropeActive Standards Council.

Want to attend?
Contact: Thomas Rieger
Tel: +3226499044
Email: [email protected]
Costs: 195 Euro
Contact the organiser:
Company: EuropeActive (European Health and Fitness Association)
Contact name: Nathalie Smeeman
Tel: +3226499044
Email: [email protected]

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